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pain a week after colonoscopy

Colonoscopy: Recovery
Colonoscopy: Recovery
Together we will beat cancer More...More...More...More...More...You are hereTraumatic aborted Creole - now long waits for CT scan. Registration to post Log in to post6 posts since22 Nov 2017 Hello. I was sent to an urgent colonoscopy, as my GP was worried that I could have bowel cancer. I took my cell phone Monday and Tuesday morning and then went to the hospital. I didn't get a date time, just a time of arrival. I was taken to a small room at 2.20 pm and equipped with a cannula, which was quite painful. They left me in that room only till 4:00. I was more and more anxious about the wait and I was not allowed to go to the reception to see my partner, and he was allowed to come in and see me. At 4:00 p.m. a nurse came to tell me that I was next, and I was taken to the exam room at 4.30 p.m. Since I was very anxious to ask for maximum sedation and I was given 5mg mizadolam and 100ug by Fentanyl. I felt a very mild feeling drunk, and then it happened. I was completely lucid, and I remember all the horrible ordeal. The pain was indescribable. I was stalking and begging for more painkillers. They decided to stop, which made me even more upset because I didn't want them to quit the procedure, just give me a GA or more analgesics! The doctor said he saw the left side of my colon and it was totally normal. They allowed me to leave after 10 minutes, and at no time I felt woozy, sleepy or any effect they had told me to wait for sedation. Now I have been told that I have to wait 3 weeks to hear about organizing a CT scan to see the side of my colon that they could not reach. Obviously, I am really upset and quite angry - a) because the painkillers did not work b) because the procedure was not completed and c) because now I have an anxious wait for CT scan, if I even get it. Has anyone else had this experience? Everyone I've spoken to has said they didn't feel any pain, just discomfort. Now I'm terrified of having the procedure back. Why didn't the painkillers have any effect on me? Can I ask you again under general anesthesia? What if they reject computed tomography or do I have to wait months for an appointment? Should I file a complaint with the hospital? I'm really not sure what to do.1820 posts since14 Aug 2017I didn't have pain with a colonoscopy, a lot of discomfort but had it with an endoscopy, had the maximum amount of sedation and still hurts like hell. Totally lucid throughout the process, he felt that the scope was down, he actually had to swallow the damn thing, no throat spray. He had another endoscopy last year, totally different, absolutely no problem. I have had several tests and biopsies in recent years and the efficacy of anesthesias seems to be variable. 26 posts since2 Oct 2017 Hi Ellie my thoughts are with you my partner had one a few years ago with 2 lot sedation and said that he still felt something that was right nothing bad that I have one on Monday and I'm afraid that at large hours I am so nervous that now I am in a state how it finds mobile that we are going to retrete constantly or not to much how it was the taste that my thoughts are with you I hope you get to scan before 3 posts since 2017. They offered me gas and air or sedation. I chose gas and air as something that was in control. It was awkward because of swelling, but gas and air helped a lot. 6 posts since22 Nov 201726 posts since2 Oct 2017 Thanks was a horrible or not bad taste I am getting into a state with wipes and cream list I have a stack so I will be longer time I finish I have not been eating much that we are u ok after colonoscopy or were or pain I hope you get an answer soon take care of 2792 posts since7 Oct 2013 I am so sorry to read about your horrible experience. I'm not surprised that he felt stressed and anxious, almost no one would be after having been waiting for so long. I've had colonoscopies for the past 25 years and I've never had to wait longer than a couple of hours, I've usually been seen within 15 minutes of my appointment time and luckily have only experienced a slight discomfort. I am not an expert but once I read that a small percentage of people do not receive the expected relief of the fentanyl pain. Maybe he's one of those sparkling people. On the other hand, being stressed may have made you physically tense and caused the pain you experienced. Clinicians are encouraged not to give GA due to the small risk of complications that arise. There were some very high profile cases a few years ago in which patients with SNS who had enough routine tests or procedures died unexpectedly as a result of the GA, so this reticence is understandable. You could write to the hospital describing the horrible experience you've had, to help them learn lessons from this. It is definitely worth contacting the CT unit before its scan to warn them of their anxieties that are not uncommon. I hope you get through all this OK - I'm sure dozens of us here can empathize with what you're going through. Best wishesDave6 posts since22 Nov 20176 posts since22 Nov 2017 Hello Dave Thank you very much for your response. I think the problem started with them fighting to find a vein for the canula. I was getting pretty stressed by then and my blood pressure, which is usually low, was 137/90. It definitely doesn't help being left in a small, cold and quite grubby box rom for more than two hours on your own, without a way to communicate with anyone - you can't use your phone or see anyone who has with you at reception. I've decided I'll write to the hospital and maybe I'll contact the TC unit. For the CT I won't need a sedative so at least I won't need a cannula again, I should feel good. Best wishes Elly1 posts since8 Feb 2018 I had a colonoscopy aborted yesterday, I am so disappointed. I didn't feel anything about the sedative at all and they gave me sensitiveair gas that I don't think I was using properly. I have cramp pain sometimes, but when they came to the transverse colon the pain was continuous, I could not access the gnome properly as they put me in the stomach with their arms out and the nurse holding her mouth. I haven't had g tumor before and I didn't show myself how to use before the procedure only given instructions when I needed it. I felt that the situation became chaotic, the medical staff seemed to be talking immediately, was suffering and the colonoscopy was quickly aborted. Now I'm waiting for a ct (prep mustwel to look forward again), wondering why it was painful when others say uncomfortable and why I didn't feel any relaxed medications. I would have helped if someone had spoken to me after the procedure. There was a nurse in the exit room, where I sat alone to have tea and toast with my husband sitting in the accompaniment room, she was chatting with her colleague and taking a look to see if it was finished. Then he rushed through the exit paperwork and put it in my bag. I have to say that before this I felt very careful. I am so disappointed by this experience and I am fearing the thought of having this test again. I wouldn't let my experience deactivate anyone, even though most of them overcome it without any problem. 1 posts from20 Mar 20181 posts since18 May 2018 Anonymous Well, after being trapped in a hot broken train for 2 hours, almost faint, stirring water, and then waiting for another 2.5 hours, I finally started my SEGUNDA colonoscopy. (The first in a different and endocopist hospital was aborted because I passed out with a vasovagel attack after the panic that was going to explode!). I started well with positive and quite relaxed even before the sedation. Then I was given the sedative and Fentanyl through what later seemed a varicose vein in the back of my hand. (I didn't even realize I had done anything about it.) What followed I can only describe as growing stabs of tearing pain that I had never experienced before. (He who says colonies are painless is a liar bigger than Nigel Farage!) After several of these, the endoscopist aggressively announced that he would NOT continue under any circumstances, as "this is a diagnostic service not a torture chamber! In desperation I even offered to bite something so that I could finish the thing, but said there was a serrous danger that could pierce my intestine and that I could die while my colon was so narrow and twisted with me jumping in pain! OMG! .... he said I would send myself for a CT scan & should be grateful as these COST A LOT MORE! Now I am even more concerned (if possible?), that if computed tomography (if that is not aborted too?), that if it shows any growth or even small polyps that might become unpleasant later, will not be able to remove them apart from cutting pieces of my intestines under a general anesthesia?! I also have diverticulitis also apparently, so could I be responsible for my symptoms of looser stools? (which had actually stopped before the first colonoscopy, though again now) Did they manage to access only 25% of my colon, so guess that cancer or malignant polyps could hide on the dark side of 75%? A father also had bowel cancer. Oh... I have all recorded again including my cries and cries of pain!!! I can also remember everything and speak clearly throughout everything - also I was not spicy or lightheaded to spearhead what happens unlike the first colonoscopy. I don't think I had painkillers or sedation - Should I order a 3rd colonoscopy with the given feentany this time? AnonymousWell, after getting stuck on a hot broken train for 2 hours, almost fainting, stirring the water up to 1 hour late, and then waiting for another 2.5 hours, I finally started my SEGUNDA colonoscopy. (The first in a different and endocopist hospital was aborted because I passed out with a vasovagel attack after the panic that was going to explode!). I started well with positive and quite relaxed even before the sedation. Then I was given the sedative and Fentanyl through what later seemed a varicose vein in the back of my hand. (I didn't even realize I had done anything about it.) What followed I can only describe as growing stabs of tearing pain that I had never experienced before. (He who says colonies are painless is a liar bigger than Nigel Farage!) After several of these, the endoscopist aggressively announced that he would NOT continue under any circumstances, as "this is a diagnostic service not a torture chamber! In desperation I even offered to bite something so I could finish the thing, but he said there was a serrous danger that could pierce my intestine and that I could die while my colon was so narrow and twisted with me jumping in pain! OMG! .... he said he would send me for a CT scan & should be grateful as these COST A LOT MORE! Now I am even more concerned (if possible?), that if computed tomography (if that is not aborted too?), that if it shows any growth or even small polyps that might become unpleasant later, will not be able to remove them apart from cutting pieces of my intestines under a general anesthesia?! I also have diverticulitis also apparently, so could I be responsible for my symptoms of looser stools? (which had actually stopped before the first colonoscopy, though again now) Did they manage to access only 25% of my colon, so guess that cancer or malignant polyps could hide on the dark side of 75%? A father also had bowel cancer. Oh... I have all recorded again including my cries and cries of pain!!! I can also remember everything and speak clearly throughout everything - also I was not spicy or lightheaded to spearhead what happens unlike the first colonoscopy. I don't think I had painkillers or sedation - Should I order a 3rd colonoscopy with the given feentany this time? 2792 posts since October 7, 2013 Hello, I am so sorry to hear your second horrible experience. Most people have nothing like that level of pain, my guess is that diverticulitis has caused you to become sensitive and that adds to your anxiety and twitchiness has created the extreme pain you experienced. I've had several colonoscopies in the last thirty years and the only time it was more than slightly unpleasant was when I had ulcers in my colon and the probe touched one of them. The pain then was extreme, so I can empathize with your experience. Computed tomography is a piece of cake compared - completely non-invasive with only one cannula in the hand through which a dye is passed (assuming you have a contrasting CT). Good luck! Dave recent discussions to introduce you Talk to a nurse. Quick links Follow us

Alberta content related to conditions Important Phone Numbers Thematic Contents Collonoscopy: What to Expect at HomeYour Recovery After a colonoscopy, you will stay at the clinic for 1 to 2 hours until the medications are unpacked. Then you can go home. But you'll have to get organized for a walk. Your doctor will tell you when you can eat and do your other regular activities. Your doctor will tell you when you will need your next colonoscopy. Your doctor can help you decide how often you need to be checked. This will depend on the results of your test and your risk of colorectal cancer. After the test, you may be swollen or have gas pains. You might need to gas. If a biopsy was done or a polyp was removed, you may have blood stains in your stool for a few days. Problems such as heavy rectal bleeding may not occur until several weeks after the test. This is not common. But it can happen after the polyps are removed. This caresheet gives you a general idea of how long it will take you back. But every person recovers at a different rate. Follow the steps below to improve as quickly as possible. How can you take care of yourself at home? ActivityDietMedicines Other instructions Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Be sure to make and go to all appointments, and call your doctor or nurse call line if you are having problems. It is also a good idea to know the results of your test and to keep a list of the medications you take. Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. When should you ask for help? Call 911 when you think you might need emergency care. For example, call if:Call 911 Call your doctor or nurse to the call line now or look for immediate medical attention if:Call your doctor or nurse call line now Beware of changes in your health, and make sure to contact your doctor or nurse (811 in Alberta) if you have any problems or questions. Where can you learn more? Go Enter E264 in the search box for more information about "Colonoscopy: What to Expect at Home". "Colonoscopy: What to Expect at Home." Date of adaptation: 10/29/2020 Adapted By: Alberta Health ServicesAdaptation Reviewed by: Alberta Health ServicesTopic ContentsAdapted with copyright material permission from Healthwise, Incorporated (Healthwise). This information does not replace a doctor's advice. Healthwise does not claim any warranty and is not responsible or responsible for its use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree with the . to help you make better health decisions. Adapted with permission of Healthwise copyright materials, Incorporated (Healthwise). This information does not replace a doctor's advice. Healthwise does not claim any warranty and is not responsible or responsible for its use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree with the . to help you make better health decisions. To learn more about Healthwise, visit . © 2006-2020 Healthy, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Healthy, Healthy for every health decision, and Healthwise logo are trademarks of Healthwise, Incorporated.

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